Gabriel con Sirena y Nubes

 Gabriel with mermaid and clouds.

copper pipe, polymer clay, plexi, steel wire and hand-painted wood.

Gabriel with Mermaids

cooper water pipes, steel wire, cooper wire, polymer clay, hand painted wood.

Vincent van Gogh Bedroom

Inspired in Van Gogh's painting "Bedroom in Arles" 1889

My Apologies to Chagall 2

This piece was inspired by the 1915 painting "Above the Village"

The Monument Tango Bar

wood, copper tubing, wire and polymer clay.

Wishing to Fly

In my dream Kitty had bird's legs and wanted to fly, our grandson's name is Gabriel, so, there is the archangel as a flying instructor.

Wood, cooper pipes, string, cooper wire, polymer clay and acrylic paints. 

Windows on Frida and Diego

We see Diego Rivera sitting on scaffolding, just as he painted himself in the famous San Francisco Art Institute mural.
He is facing a window with a sketch for a Detroit mural. Above is a winged image of Diego and Frida revealing her crying a tear of blood, a common Mexican artistic expression of unhappiness.
To Diego’s left, the window of Ideology has a rendition of the May Day parade painting.
Frida’s window on Love reflects a distant image of her powerful painting “Frida and Diego in San Francisco”. She wears a typical dress from Tehuntepec as she faces her beloved monkeys.
This window on Love can be closed, an action Frida herself should have perhaps considered more often on account of Diego's behavior.
The figures can be taken out of their environment and played with like acrobats.

Painted wood
H 20” W 17” D 6”

Romeo and Juliet

It was Verona, it was a window, and it was true love.

Textured and painted wood, electric light, sculpted characters
H 30” W 15” D 2”

Homage to Pablo Picasso

The figure of "The Harlequin," a famous painting from Picasso's Blue Period, is reflected on a mirror set on a background of blue sky.
On the left side a yellow hand frames one of his works and in conjunction with the red wall symbolizes the Spanish flag. The Picasso figure can be taken out of its environment and played as an acrobat toy.

Wood, mirror
H 18” W 6” D 6”

Vincent Starry Night

Through the open window the Starry Night flows down the steps to the observer and the vase with sunflowers rests on the table.
Vincent himself is an acrobat to play with once taken out of his environment.

Painted wood
H 20” W 17” D 6”

House of Words

Inspired by a text from Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano.
Turning the panel one way offers the text in English, the other in Spanish.

Helena Villagra dreamed that the poets were entering the House of Words.
The words kept in old glass bottles waited for the poets and offered themselves, mad with desire to be chosen. They begged the poets to look at them, smell them, touch them, lick them.
The poets opened the bottles, tried the words on their finger tips and smacked their lips or wrinkled their noses.
The poets were in search of words they didn’t know as well as words they knew and had lost.
In The House of Words was a table of colors; they offered themselves in great fountains and each poet took the color he needed - lemon yellow or sun yellow, ocean blue or smoke blue crimson red, blood red, wine red.

A la Casa de las Palabras soñó Helena Villagra, acudían los poetas. Las palabras guardadas en viejos frascos de cristal, esperaban a los poetas y se les ofrecían locas de ganas de ser elegidas, ellas rogaban a los poetas que las miraran, qué las olieran, que las lamieran.

Los poetas abrían los frascos, probaban las palabras con el dedo y entonces se relamían o fruncían la nariz.
Los poetas andaban en busca de Palabras que no conocían, también buscaban palabras que conocían y habían perdido.
En La Casa de las Palabras había una mesa de colores, en grandes Fuentes se ofrecían los colores y cada poeta se servia el color que le hacia falta; amarillo limón o Amarillo sol, azul de mar o de humo, rojo lacre, rojo sangre, rojo vino.

Limited edition
wood, paper, glass jars, scrabble boards and tiles

What If

The six windows surrounding the mirror show the different ways the Mona Lisa would have looked if any one of these artists had painted her.

Wood, mirror, photo montage

H 24” W 18” D 3/8”

Homage to Magritte

Inspired by the Magritte painting, "The Man with the Bowler Hat." The apples open up to reveal a mirror, the observer's face perfectly fits and she or he becomes the "Person with the Bowler Hat."

wood, mirror
H 18" W 16" D 3"

Lonely Woman in a Red Dress, Dreaming with Dancing

She is the darling in her day dream, dancing the night away, but the dance hall, 'It Takes Two to Tango' is empty and nobody is sitting on the champagne chairs. Champagne was the must have, classic drink of the time and was featured prominently in tango lyrics.
Most of the tango dance halls in the old Buenos Aires of the 1900s were run by French women of questionable reputation catering to high society men dancing to the forbidden music.

wood, mirrors, champagne chairs
H 34" W 24" D 4"